ILL Gordon - Pulse [Part 1] + Villain [Part 2] (Music Video) Taken Off: #Barzondeck2 (Album/iTunes/Spotify)

ILL Gordon – Pulse [Part 1] + Villain [Part 2] (Music Video) Taken Off: #Barzondeck2 (Album/iTunes/Spotify)

Chicago, Illinois based emcee ILL Gordon drops a two-part video PULSE & VILLIAN, taken off his recent album #BARZONDECK2

ILL Gordon has released two new videos from the #Barzondeck2 project, Pulse [Part 1] and Villain [Part 2].

‘Pulse’ is used as an intro video to ‘Villain’. Both videos showcase what ILL has been known to do best, deliver dope bars over hard beats!

ILL Gordon – #Barzondeck2 via iTunes/Spotify

Also, check out Urban Vault Interviews – ILL Gordon