The Official Krystal Klear - Ego (Who Do You Think You Are?) (Audio/iTunes/Spotify)

The Official Krystal Klear – Ego (Who Do You Think You Are?) (Audio/iTunes/Spotify)

Miami, Florida-based artist The Official Krystal Klear recently released her track and asks, “Who do you think you are?” with her new anthem EGO

Adding yet another remarkable track into her continually expanding discography, ‘Ego (Who Do You Think You Are)‘ by The Official Krystal Klear is a powerful anthem addressing the self-centeredness and immaturity of egotistical individuals. Inspired by a personal experience where her producer was overshadowed by an artist who falsely claimed credit and sought constant validation, Krystal Klear penned this song as a response. The track calls out those who believe their actions go unnoticed, serving as a reminder that their true nature is seen. This single is a bold statement dedicated to everyone who has ever dealt with such individuals, encapsulating the frustration and clarity that comes from recognizing and calling out egotism – be sure to give it a listen!

The Official Krystal Klear is a daring singer and songwriter who embraces the complexity of womanhood through her genre-defying music. Her sound embodies a wide range of emotions and experiences: from tenderness and strength to freedom and revolution, raw sexuality to pure love, fantasy to heartbreak, and innocence to justice and divine spirituality. Listening to Krystal Klear is an exploration of contrasts, illustrating the harmony between light and dark. Her music resonates deeply, reflecting the multifaceted nature of all people and inviting audiences to embrace their own diverse and intricate selves – keep up to date with all her artistry using the links below.

The Official Krystal Klear – Ego (Who Do You Think You Are?) via iTunes/Spotify