Beselfliss - Waste My Time (Music Video/iTunes/Spotify)

Beselfliss – Waste My Time (Music Video/iTunes/Spotify)

SKY IV Records and Tampa, Florida-based Indie Artist Beselfliss presents his latest track/visual WASTE MY TIME

The track kicks off with a relatable intro that sets the tone for an emotive performance,

“Relationships are like shoes… You will find a pair you like or might even love… But you will outgrow them. It’s only when you are fully grown emotionally, and your feet stop growing when you find the pair that fits”.

BeSelfliss touches on falling in love with someone who isn’t ready to share the same level of commitment, and the emotions that come along that impact the mind, heart, and soul.

This is a deeply personal and emotionally charged single that speaks directly to the heart. Inspired by real-life experiences, the song explores the pain and frustration of being ready for a committed relationship while the other person isn’t. From the moment the track begins, it draws listeners in with its heartfelt lyrics and poignant melody. The emotional turmoil is palpable, as the artist conveys the longing and disappointment of unrequited commitment.

The song’s message is clear; relationships are much like shoes, you might find a pair that you like or even love, but sometimes you outgrow them. Only when you’ve fully matured emotionally do you discover the pair that fits perfectly? This track is a testament to Beselfliss’s ability to transform personal pain into a universally relatable anthem. This a must listen…

Beselfliss – Waste My Time via iTunes/Spotify