The Vault UK Exclusive: MURDAH SRVC - Icarus [Simone Liotta Remix] (Audio Premiere/iTunes/Spotify)

The Vault UK Exclusive: MURDAH SRVC – Icarus [Simone Liotta Remix] (Audio Premiere/iTunes/Spotify)

European Singer-songwriter CHE of MURDAH SRVC drops his latest single, in the form of a Simone Liotta Remix of his track ICARUS

MURDAH SRVC (Murder Service) is an audio and visual project strongly influenced by Japanese pop culture.

In an apocalyptic scenario, a manga and sci-fi tv series influenced comic takes place at the same time with dark, electronic music.

The band, formed in 2017, has been performing internationally in Germany, UK, Netherlands, Italy, and Japan.

CHE explains, “This lockdown took away our daily grind but gave us a gift at the same time. I could focus on music and visuals much more than before. So I started giving new dresses to the song previously released. This time I called producer, synth, and sound designer Simone Liotta for a new version of ‘Icarus’ with 80’s vibes, retrofuturism, with some vaporwave influences that gave the song a totally different feel.

Daft Punk had a baby with Macintosh Plus.

This is a song dedicated to those ones who’ve been told their whole life they weren’t destined to achieve anything great or even good, because they weren’t smart enough, cool enough, skinny enough. It’s a way to say ‘FUCK OFF’ and prove all these people wrong.

“When I’ll run away from Low self-esteem city”,

is the best day of your life. And you must take a risk, and fly closer to the sun like Icarus. You might get burned or you might survive, but in the end, it’s worth trying.

I, CHE, who wrote the song, and Simone Liotta, who produced the remix, never met in real life. Even though we live in the same city, this record was made during the lockdown. So all communications happened via Facebook Messenger. Same thing for the video. Edited by Monika using 80’s anime Megazone 23, me and Monika never met in person”.

MURDAH SRVC – Icarus [Simone Liotta Remix] via iTunes/Spotify