Manbeast95 - Sleep Country (Audio/iTunes/Spotify)

Manbeast95 – Sleep Country (Audio/iTunes/Spotify)

White Rock, British Columbia-based recording artist Manbeast95 recently released his debut track SLEEP COUNTRY

Erupting onto the scene in emphatic fashion, Manbeast95 shows off his remarkable production skills with the explosive debut anthem entitled ‘Sleep Country,’ a hard-hitting, bass-driven Hip Hop track with an infectious rhythm & lyrical flow that will reverberate in your head for days on end. With an invigorating title that is plucked directly from the song, the lyric,

“I’m sleeping like a king catch me at Sleep Country”,

After applying to work at ‘Sleep Country,’ a year prior to release and developing a respect for the company despite being turned down, Manbeast95 was driven to write the track,

“I wanted to portray the idea that I was rich enough to purchase a bed from Sleep Country. When writing [rap lyrics] I love to drop brand names to give the listener an idea as to where I’m shopping and buying stuff, even if it’s not Versace or some expensive designer brand”.

With such an uproarious entry to the scene, Manbeast95 leaves us desperately eager to hear the rest of his rich discography.

Manbeast95 is an upcoming artist in the realm of electronic music who embarked on his creative musical journey back in 2011. Inspired by the pioneers of the EDM genre like Skrillex and deadmau5, Manbeast95 downloaded Ableton Live straight out of high school, with the ambitious hope of securing a spot on Skrillex’s renowned OWSLA label. While the label placement eluded him, it didn’t dampen his passion or perseverance. Over the course of a decade, he honed his craft, consistently pushing the boundaries of his sound. In 2021, Manbeast95 ventured down a new avenue to share his music with the world. He became part of a music feedback community dedicated to EDM producers, which opened doors to collaborations with small, independent EDM labels.

Under the pseudonym Sadgangsta, his music found homes with Noiseporn, SHAKE Music Records, Concordia Music Recordings, Melodic Bassment, and several others. However, as his catalogue grew and life’s demands intensified, Manbeast95 took a temporary hiatus from the world of music. He redirected his energy towards a career in substance-use work and committed himself to furthering his education. A year passed, and the calling of his true passion grew stronger. Manbeast95 reinstalled his music software, but this time, it wasn’t about chasing fame or competing with other artists- he now creates music purely for the joy of it. For Manbeast95, producing music is more than a hobby; it’s a cherished pastime that allows him to capture and reflect upon his experiences whilst also sharing his impressive and eclectic discography with something for everyone.

Manbeast95 – Sleep Country via iTunes/Spotify