Tag Archive for Example

Professor Green - Dance Like A Tory (Lyric Music Video/iTunes/Spotify)

Professor Green – Dance Like A Tory (Lyric Music Video/iTunes/Spotify)

London based Platinum album selling recording artist Professor Green drops his latest track/lyric video DANCE LIKE A TORY The vast majority of the country went through the same experiences in lockdown but things were very different over at 10 Downing Street, where dozens of Tory politicians and their lackeys wheeled in suitcases overflowing with booze…

Grim Sickers x Bowzer Boss - Boss Mode (Music Video/JDZmedia) Taken Off: Icons Only (Album/iTunes/Spotify)

Grim Sickers x Bowzer Boss – Boss Mode (Music Video/JDZmedia) Taken Off: Icons Only (Album/Audio/iTunes/Spotify)

UK based emcee  Grim Sickers recently dropped his 12-track project ICONS ONLY, featuring Bowzer Boss, Mayhem Nodb, Slickman Party and more… A lyrical masterpiece Grim Sickers weighs in his powerful flow and impeccable bars on his 12-track delectable offering. Giving fans a sneak peek into the mixtape at the end of last month he shared…